Bike rack ELK

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Bike rack ELK
Cuando diseñas un aparcabicicletas y sale una estatua. La línea interminable de la forma básica enriquecida con curvas crea un soporte completamente funcional de cualidades estéticas que no son comunes en el mercado. El concepto único del soporte para tres bicicletas le permite crear conjuntos interesantes para estacionar más bicicletas. El aspecto limpio y la forma suave no agresiva hacen que sea más fácil de incorporarlo en cualquier tipo de proyecto, ya sea de arquitectura moderna o histórica.
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General measures​

Color Dark gray o Light grey
Material Aluminum
Finishes Polyester paint
Dimensions 55 cm x 61 cm x 88 cm
Manufacturing Aluminium fundition
Author mmcité / David Karásek, Herrmann & Coufal
Bike rack ELK



The aluminum structures are made with AlMg3 material, suitable for outdoor use. A stainless granulate is blown onto the surface of the molten aluminium, which limits the appearance of corrosion.

The use of an aluminum casting without powder coating is very common; Over time, the entire surface of the casting acquires a uniform tone. The appearance of aluminum oxide caused by inclement weather is a completely normal phenomenon and, therefore, it is not considered the subject of a claim..
If the client wants to avoid oxidation, it is convenient to apply a layer of powder paint to the surface.