Bollard 004

  • Finishes
  • Dimensions
  • Color
  • Accessories
  • Manufacturing
  • Author
  • Fixation

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Términos y condiciones

Bollard 004
El Bolardo es una pieza fundamental en el diseño urbano que requiere de la protección a peatones, así como para el ordenamiento vial. Su diseño responde a lograr una pieza esbelta sin perder robustez, guarda sus proporciones desde la parte superior hasta su cuerpo fabricado en cédula 30. Las consideraciones de seguridad son su principal cualidad, cuando es impactado a velocidades menores a 30km/h su cabezal, por ser de una pieza vaciada, no se convierte en un elemento punzo-cortante. Existe la versión con placa en la base inferior para casos donde la superficie es horizontal y se desea colocar el bolardo posteriormente al piso terminado. El Bolardo se entrega con una cinta reflejante 3M grado ingeniería.
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Sustainability data sheet:


General measures​

Accessories Without ring o With ring
Fixation Drown o fixed with plug
Finishes Cold Galvanized and Polyester Paint
Dimensions 17 cm x 17 cm x 70 cm
Color Dark gray
Manufacturing Schedule 30 tube with aluminum head
Author Industrial design No. 41575 In compliance with the provisions of article 409 of the Federal Property Protection Law Industrail, it is stated and made public knowledge that the product and designs reproduced below are protected before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property with registration number 41575 INDUSTRIAL MODEL OF AREA DELIMITING ELEMENT, whose owner is RODRIGO VÁZQUEZ ORTEGA; rights that are in force and having all their legal effects
Bollard 004

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Sustainability 2020

Contributing to global efforts in sustainability, the year 2020 at BKT street furniture marks the beginning of a commitment to sustainability, adding this component to our vision as an integrating element of our practice. We want to understand the effects that our products have throughout their life cycle and see how our organization influences or is influenced by the expectations of sustainable development.
Know how we are achieving it.