Seat 009

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Seat 009

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Material:Polymer concrete
Finishes:smooth finish
Manufacturing:Polymeric concrete
Author:Industrial design No. 56466 and 56467 In compliance with the provisions of article 409 of the Federal Property Protection Law Industrail, it is stated and made public knowledge that the product and designs reproduced below are protected before the Institute Mexican Industrial Property with registration number 56466 INDUSTRIAL MODEL OF AREA DELIMITING ELEMENT, whose owner is RODRIGO VÁZQUEZ ORTEGA; rights that are in force and having all their legal effects.

Términos y condiciones

Seat 009
The AS-009 is a modular seating system made of polymer concrete that encourages interaction with public space through its utilitarian configuration, providing any place where it is located with great versatility and visual appeal. The system consists of 2 different measurements (40 and 120 cm) and 2 different shapes, one of them straight and the other curved, both with the same angled formal language that allows generating multiple configurations in an iconic and unified way from the repetition of the themselves; from completely straight segments to circular or serpentine geometries that play with any space, including random individual arrangements. At the center of each module there is a void that provides a contrasting visual lightness with the volume of polymer concrete of the piece. The design and versatility of this seat allows it to blend in with practically any environment, making the experience of social interaction in public spaces more interesting.
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General measures​

Dimensions 41 cm x 39 cm x 44 cm o 120 cm
Color Arena o Terracota o Verde Eucalipto o White o Gray BKT 3
Fixation Fixed o Detachable
Type Straight o Curved
Material Polymer concrete
Finishes smooth finish
Manufacturing Polymeric concrete
Author Industrial design No. 56466 and 56467 In compliance with the provisions of article 409 of the Federal Property Protection Law Industrail, it is stated and made public knowledge that the product and designs reproduced below are protected before the Institute Mexican Industrial Property with registration number 56466 INDUSTRIAL MODEL OF AREA DELIMITING ELEMENT, whose owner is RODRIGO VÁZQUEZ ORTEGA; rights that are in force and having all their legal effects.
Seat 009


Polymer Concrete

Polymeric concrete is a material made with different mineral aggregates (sand, gravel, gravel, quartz, marble) bound by a synthetic resin and reinforced with fiberglass, which makes it an extremely resistant and lightweight material compared to concrete. conventional.

Technical specifications.

    High compressive strength (Average 800 kg/cm2)

    Modulus of Rupture (Average 247 kg/cm2) ASTM C-78

    Water absorption (Average 0.136%)

    Does not conduct electricity "Dielectric"

    Excellent resistance to chemical corrosion by contact with solvents, fuels and oils, etc.


Cleaning: Water with some diluted detergent or degreaser, which does not contain abrasive materials, can be helped by using medium-hard plastic brushes (avoid metal ones, sandpaper or abrasive discs). It is also possible to use solvents.

Coatings: Application of paste and/or paint to rehabilitate the benches due to deterioration derived from the conditions of exposure to the environment and service to which they are subjected. (Contact our sales team

Polished: To revive the color and leave the surface smooth.